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Pati Benington

Pati Benington is the teacher for all of the bilingual classes at Acorn School.


My name is Patricia Benington. I live in Tempe, Arizona with my husband Nate, our 10 year old Kingston and our chihuahua Biggie. 

I was born and raised in Mexico and since very young I had the desire to learn English. I was never able to take classes but I translated my favorite English songs and I watched a lot of American movies and shows to learn. My parents used to take us to the US a couple times a year and I was fascinated by the culture so after finishing college I came to Tempe to stay for two weeks but God had other plans... I met my husband. He didn’t speak Spanish but somehow we were able to understand each other. He helped me tremendously to be immersed in the culture and learn.

After having our son I knew I wanted to homeschool but the Waldorf education was very intriguing to me, so he went to a Waldorf school for a couple of years before deciding to be home and implement aspects of it. It has been the best decision ever. 

I always have friends asking me to teach Spanish to their kids so the idea was already growing in my mind when Acorn school asked me if I would like to be part of this beautiful project. It was an immediate yes from me!

Learning languages is an integral part of the Waldorf education. The purpose of language study is not only to develop the ability to communicate but also cultivate an interest in other cultures.

In my class the kids will learn language through gestures, songs, poems, verses, stories, games and imitation. I’ll incorporate handwork projects to strengthen the child’s concentration and hand-eye coordination in a relaxed and fun environment surrounded by nature!

“Receive children in reverence, educate them in love, and let them go forth in freedom” - Rudolf Steiner